Archive for September, 2009


Shooting the Dog

   Posted by: amrath    in Meta-Issues, Real Life, Out of Character, Etc.

As the title says, today’s duties included less than pleasant activities.

We had this brown mutt we got from the pound back in June. He was probably seven months old. He was hit by a car today, and it was pretty ugly, no chance of living, but not dead yet. I won’t go into details. Just take my word for it. I was going to use the rifle, but I couldn’t find the clip, so I used the .45.

I didn’t want this duty. I was just the one who had to do it. I tried to aim, but it’s hard to shoot straight when you really don’t want to look at what you’re shooting. First shot was a clean miss. Second shot was worse. It brought new misery to the creature. He howled in pain. That got to me. I was half a mind to shoot my damned self in the foot for that one, to even things up. I was freaked pretty hard, basically, “Oh, shit, you stupid fuck, look what you’ve done.”

And what I’d done, not to put to fine a point on it, was to be a pussy about it,  which just made things worse. It had to be done no matter how much I disliked it. Because of me shirking my duty, the animal was suffering much more than it should.

Third shot I aimed, and I watched what I didn’t want to have to see, and my shot went true.

I’m writing this down now for my sons. Not right now. They don’t need to know the ugly parts. Gilbert is heart broken enough as it is. But later, I want them to know something that I guess I knew in theory, but that was brought into pretty sharp focus for me today: a man needs to be resolved to do what he has to do, ugly or not. If he shirks it, or tries to get out of it,  it usually makes things worse.

Thus endeth the lesson.



   Posted by: amrath    in Meta-Issues, Real Life, Out of Character, Etc.

Well, today we too in our first harvest of corn. It’s fairly meager, maybe 15 ears total, and most of them smaller. We got a few in that were just about perfect. It’s not even close enough to feed us for any length of time, but it’s a small triumph, a proof of concept if nothing else. It doesn’t hurt that this was our second attempt at the corn. The first failed miserably. We planted in cups, and when we transplanted, the seedlings just didnt make it. Maybe we waited to late to transplant, but personally, I think corn is ideal for simply planting in the ground.

Oh, my! If only I had teeth!

Oh, my! If only I had teeth!

The ear in the pic above is the first one I picked, and it was pretty nice looking. The pic doesn’t really do it justice. It will be eaten with gusto tonight.


It has begun!

   Posted by: amrath    in Meta-Issues, Real Life, Out of Character, Etc.

Halloween approacheth!

