Archive for August, 2008


Chapter Nine Almost Done

   Posted by: amrath    in Current Projects

Well, it has taken some time, but I am damned near a draft level for Act I. One last scene needs to be written from scratch, but it’s quite an important scene. I think I can do it in an evening. I hope to do it THIS evening, but we’ll see.

From there, I will take the rest of the week doing a final combing pass on the chapters. By this weekend, I will make it available in some form or another to those with an interest.


Chapter 8 Done

   Posted by: amrath    in Current Projects

Well, sort of. I did in fact decide to split it in two, so I am still not done with the first act, but I am incrementally closer. I expect to have it done this week, and then I’ll come up with a way where people can have a look at it if they so desire.


Chapter 8 Continues

   Posted by: amrath    in Current Projects

Wow, this one is turning into an epic. It’s huge, and really should be two chapters. Yes, that means chapter 8 will be done faster, but then there will still be chapter 9 to do before act I is done. (sigh) Well, there is much work to do, and it is rewarding, even if it is also time consuming.


Chapter 8 Continues

   Posted by: amrath    in Current Projects

Well, I got about 17 pages done this week, which isn’t very much, really, but it’s some progress. I am one half to one third done with it.  I will really need to apply myself to finish it this week, but it is doable. Just depends on how many other things get in the way.

Okay, life is once again under control. It’s not perfect, but it’s livable. All of the appliances are now in working order, and we are settled enough to feel like we actually have a home now. There is still chaos in the garage, but I am slowly getting a handle on that as well, and I am making steady progress. I managed to nearly sever a finger this weekend in that pursuit, but that’s the price of progress, eh?

All of this means there is no longer any excuse for not writing (Save for my sore finger! Hopefully, it will be less painful in a few days, because it’s quite an impediment to typing at the moment!) Chapter 8 is the climax of Act I, and took quite a bit of rethinking to make work with the new plotlines. I managed to get the synopsis of this act hammered out while we were on vacation, so actually writing the draft chapter will be considerably less difficult. My goal is to finish chapter 8 this week.